All information provided by you to us are private and confidential. Your information will not be shared, sold, exchanged, leased or given to any third party not connected to the delivery of your coffee & or products. Your email address will be used to notify you of  EspressoLand related news and information, including special offers and new product information. You can remove yourself from this option any time.

Espressoland does not store any credit card information. All credit card processing is securely conducted  using the financial industry's Secure Socket Layer (SSL) standards.

Email Submission

All email addresses submitted to the web site Espressoland, will not be shared, sold, exchanged, leased or given to any third party not connected to the delivery of &/or the supply of goods &/or services of the site EspressoLand.

This site however may use cookies, these are used solely to improve the quality of the web site for all our guests &/or clients. THESE ARE NOT USED to track your online surfing habits &/or track web sites that you visit on the World Wide Web. Any information obtained via &/or with the use of such cookies, will remain confidential and will never be shared, sold, traded &/or leased to a Third Party.

Online Purchasing

Personal information gathered whilst in the process of conducting an online purchase will be used only for Credit Card authorisation purposes. This information will be shared with our Payment Processing Authority in the context of purchasing Merchandise &/or Products.

Espressoland is committed to complying with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector Act 2000) ("the Act") which commenced in December 2001 and the provisions of all applicable legislation. The Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time.

We use SSL and web server sand boxing technology, which ensures that any communications between your computer and Espressoland is unreadable by anyone else. Your details are communicated in a secure encrypted format.

Term & Conditions

This policy was last modified on 03/11/2018